Fox's Forest Now Open


Written by: Kitsune Lassiter

Foxs forest longI added a new fishing area for anyone who wants to fish, or even hang out. The fox's forest is, as I said, for everyone. If you have any issues, let me know.I am also finishing up some of the new customs for this area and I'll

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Why So Many Scripts?


Written by: Kitsune Lassiter

Orionz Belt Iwayama Jinn

In recent weeks, I have noticed a disturbing trend. So many people with LOTS of scripts attached to them. WHY so many scripts? I know I restrict the amount of scripts on my parcels to 10 but I have seen as many as 1200 scripts attached to ONE avatar.

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In-world Shop Closed


Cover pictureAs some of you have noticed, my in-world shops and Creative Academy have been closed for some time now, and very limited access to my parcels is set. Due to the inordinate amount of attention, I have received. I'm going to address why that is.

First of all, Let me make clear, that I am not against using Second Life roads. I welcome it. I like seeing what everyone is driving and laughing at some of the unusual creations. I miss it when Zipper Wurgle doesn't come by for a few days, or he flies his airplanes, because Zipper, is one creative person, and I like the creativity.

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