Entitled Users of Mainland Roads

Written by: Kitsune Lassiter
All objects set to phantom

I was asked last week why my parcels are set to private. Since this was the first time someone inquired, and they asked politely, I was happy to respond. While I can't go into too much detail due to law enforcement involvement, I can say that some Second Life (SL) drivers have become pretty entitled—let’s just say, not in a good way. This is the reason that so many places in the real world don't want tourists. The same is true in Second Life.

Earlier today, my neighbor received a message from someone complaining about the trees she had placed along Route 8. We were both surprised since we had made sure they were set to non-physical (phantom) to avoid any issues with SL drivers. The driver had a hair-trigger temper and as a result was added to the parcel ban list. The speed of the anger shocked my neighbor and this entitled person would be upset so quickly over such a small thing. As my neighbor was in the middle of something important, and we had already handled the tree issue beforehand and she didn't want to drop everything just to deal with the woman's issue, she was just banned and muted. I mean, she was banned, on a parcel that had nothing in it that would interest the woman, did not belong to the woman, and the owner just wanted privacy and to be let alone to work without interruption. Think about it.

The entitlement of some SL road drivers is unreal. If you ban them, they overreact, accuse you of griefing, and throw a tantrum, tell them to get land elsewhere—even though they’re often they arere often ones causing problems. It’s similar to the current political climate where people project their bad behavior onto others, acting like they have all the rights while landowners/others don’t. These people are "the entitled." I understand why some people call them blue-haired, lonely cat-ladies.

I personally have my security orb set to auto-ban bots, bot-like behavior, excessive scripts, and high render costs. As of now, my parcels are on lockdown because certain individuals—who shall remain nameless—have been using copybot viewers to do some pretty shady things. After endless complaints to LL, I have just decided to remain in lockdown for peace and quiet.

What really surprised me was the assumption that if we didn’t want visitors, we shouldn’t live near the road. I’ve been here long before groups like GTFO and Drivers of SL came along, and I never had any issues until they arrived. As far as I’m concerned, these groups are the real griefers and interlopers. Before they showed up, I might get the occasional visitor or someone trying to do donuts in my parking lot, but the level of griefing from the GTFO crowd has escalated to the point where law enforcement had to get involved.

Other users with similar issues have the right to protect their parcels too. Don’t they deserve a break from griefing? Everyone has the right to live where they choose in SL, and if banning rude or disruptive people is necessary to maintain peace, then that’s fine. There’s no need to get upset about it—if someone doesn’t want you on their land, that’s their decision. Banning doesn’t make someone necessarily a griefer; it just protects landowners from dealing with nonsense, rudeness, and disrespect for the landowner.

I’ll admit, I’m a little amused by being labeled a “griefer” when I haven’t done anything to deserve it—especially since the person calling me that has several alts, who’ve griefed me endlessly. I’ve been busy working on an AI app for a client all summer, and frankly, I have no interest in making anyone’s life miserable just for the LOLs. It’s just pathological to accuse people with nothing to back it up, but what else can you expect from a griefer alt or entitled game owners (GTFO) who thinks everyone needs to bow to their will?

For me, SL is an escape. It’s how I experience nature, which I can no longer do in real life. I love nature parks and appreciate the beautiful work others create in SL. I would never want to destroy that or facilitate any harm to their hard work. I have parcels set up so others in Second Life can enjoy what SL nature has to offer. The script-heavy, lag-heavy vehicles, HUDs, and avatars take away from that peace and others' enjoyment of Second Life, so unfortunately, lockdown is enabled.

So, for those who complain about being banned: Get a life. Stop repeating the rhetoric of SL driving groups, and understand that sometimes, people just don’t want to deal with your nonsense and insanity. Come back when they/you are having a better day or at least show some respect. There are some truly kind and wonderful people in these groups, but unfortunately, there are enough bad apples to force people like me to take steps to protect our peace and our parcels and these idiots outshine the good.

P.S. Just because you belong to the same groups, does not give you a license to demand special service. Lack of respect, and civility will just end the conversation. Permanently.

PPS - some people with anger issues, probably need to see a therapist to work out their problems. I suspect this person (with MANY  alts,) in real life, has regular visits from law enforcement agencies.


Additional Reading:


