Here is a list of things that could improve a Second Life experience:
- There is ALWAYS two sides to a story.
- The conversation is over when you, unprovoked, start using language that even my former Navy hubby is surprised at. Permanently.
- Some people come to SL for a little peace & quiet, a break from rl, and not listen to entitled whiney diatribes.
- Some people have rl issues that prevent them from getting a private island. Second Life seems to be lacking in compassionate people who think of others & their rl situations.
- People who can't script should NOT look to solutions forcing a landowner into something they DON'T feel comfortable with.
- Griefing is when you park your car in my shop for the millionth time that day cause you don't know how to script or drive.
- When you wear 900 scripts & go to someone's parcel who likes good performance in SL, don't whine when they eject you.
- When you sic your friends on someone you disagree with, you are officially pathetic. It's worse when you LIE to your friends about what happened.